Books & Other Works
Here you will find information on Linda Nemec Foster’s published books and commissioned works.
Linda’s books are carried by independent bookstores in Michigan (such as: “Schuler Books & Music” in Grand Rapids and “Literati Bookstore” in Ann Arbor) and may also be purchased online.
Collaborative Work
Music inspired by the poems of Linda Nemec Foster
Listen to free excerpts of “Cry of Freedom” and order this CD of Laszlo Slomovits’ music that was inspired by the poems in Ten Songs from Bulgaria.
Order the CD of Steve Talaga’s music that was inspired by Contemplating the Heavens.
Commissioned by newspapers, stage productions, and poetry performances
“A Poem for the Season of Fire and Ice” Grand Rapids Press, December 22, 2002.
“Six Poems” Linda Nemec Foster. Still Life With Conversation by Rebecca Emlinger Roberts, editor. Ridgeway Press 1993.
Six poems by Linda Nemec Foster were included in the original dramatic assemblage, “Still Life With Conversation,” directed by Rebecca Emlinger Roberts. Ortonville Community Theater, Ortonville, Michigan, 1993. The text of the play, “Still Life With Conversation,” was published by Ridgeway Press in 1993.
“The Obsessed Fan Speaks” Linda Nemec Foster. Elvis in a Box by Robert Turney, Producer; F. Richard Thomas, Editor. Years Press 1992.
The poem “The Obsessed Fan Speaks” was included in the production “Elvis in a Box,” produced by Robert Turney at the Kellogg Center Auditorium, Michigan State University, May, 1992. Published in a boxed assemblage, edited by F. Richard Thomas, 1992.
“Fragments of Athena” Linda Nemec Foster. The Fear of Women by Robert Turney, Producer; F. Richard Thomas, Editor. Years Press 1991.
The poem “Fragments of Athena” was included in the production “The Fear of Women,” produced by Robert Turney at the Buckham Fine Arts Gallery in Flint, Michigan, May, 1991. Published in a boxed assemblage, edited by F. Richard Thomas, 1991.
“The Electrolux, The Salesman, The Housewife” Linda Nemec Foster. Nature Adores a Vacuum by Robert Turney, Producer; F. Richard Thomas, Editor. Years Press 1990.
This poem was included in the production, “Nature Adores a Vacuum,” produced by Robert Turney at the Kresge Art Museum, Michigan State University, April, 1990. Published in a boxed assemblage edited by F. Richard Thomas, 1990.
As the first Poet Laureate of Grand Rapids, Linda Nemec Foster was commissioned to write three poems to coincide with three important civic events:
“Beginnings” was written to celebrate the grand re-opening of the Grand Rapids Public Library after a 3-year major renovation project, April, 2003. Linda Nemec Foster’s debut as first Poet Laureate.
“The Movement of Grace” was composed in honor of George Heartwell’s first inauguration as Mayor of Grand Rapids, Michigan, December, 2003.
“La Grande Vitesse” was written for the celebration of the 35th anniversary of the installation of the Calder sculpture in Grand Rapids, June, 2004.
This sculpture, located in front of City Hall, was the first public art piece funded by the National Endowment for the Arts.