Bearsprout Films Interview with Linda Nemec Foster about New Book, The Lake Huron Mermaid

Linda Nemec Foster was recently interviewed about her forthcoming book, The Lake Huron Mermaid.

The short video was produced by Cam Lewis at Bearsprout Films. For more info, contact: [email protected]

Second edition of The Blue Divide published by Cornerstone Press

The publisher of the first edition of The Blue Divide, New Issues Press, has closed its doors after going out of business. However, Cornerstone Press (University of Wisconsin—Stevens Point) has decided to publish a second edition and keep the book in print.

New listings on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online booksellers reflect this change.

To purchase a copy of The Blue Divide (2nd edition), please click on the preferred store below:

Linda Nemec Foster Interview – An Oral History of Poetry in Grand Rapids

Linda Nemec Foster was interviewed for a major project: the Oral History of Poetry in Grand Rapids. This is Linda’s first in-depth interview about her 40+ year career as a poet, writer, presenter, teacher, and literary advocate. Linda talks about her history, her family, her travels and how they all inspire the creative process.

Described as an important discussion about the life journey of Grand Rapids’ inaugural Poet Laureate, the video of the complete interview is found below:

Linda Nemec Foster’s Program for Detroit’s Poetry Vespers Series

On January 25, 2024, Linda gave a multimedia reading on Zoom that featured her poetry and the art forms that have inspired it: animated art, paintings, sculpture, music, photography, and film. This program was praised by the Series’ coordinators as one of the best events they have hosted.

Introduced by Nancy Owen Nelson, Linda’s presentation may be viewed in its entirety below.

Bone Country Named “One of the Most Read Book Reviews in 2023”

In early 2023, poet Michael Collins reviewed Linda’s new book, Bone Country, for the online literary journal, North of Oxford. By the end of the year, the review had become one of the most read book reviews on the journal’s website for 2023.

Click on the button below to read the original review:

Linda Nemec Foster’s poem, “The Cemeteries Near the Ukrainian Border,” is featured on Verse Daily

Linda’s poem from Bone Country was featured on the acclaimed website, Verse Daily. Selected to be the poem highlighted on December 17 2023, this is the third time Linda’s work was chosen by the curators.

Click on the button below to read Linda’s piece.

Bone Country Named “A Most Read Review” on North of Oxford Website

For the second time this year, a book review of Bone Country is one of the most read reviews on the website North of Oxford, an online literary magazine from Philadelphia.

Click on the box below to read this popular review of the acclaimed book.

Linda Nemec Foster’s Poem, “Winter Solstice,” Featured on Poetry Catalog Website

Linda’s poem, “Winter Solstice,” was the featured poem on the website Poetry Catalog for November 13, 2023. Poetry Catalog is a curated online magazine that highlights short poems on a daily basis and then archives the poems on their website.

Click on the link below to read “Winter Solstice.”

Second edition of Talking Diamonds published by Cornerstone Press

The publisher of the first edition of Talking Diamonds, New Issues Press, has closed its doors after going out of business. However, Cornerstone Press (University of Wisconsin—Stevens Point) has decided to publish a second edition and keep the book in print.

New listings on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online booksellers reflect this change.

To purchase a copy of Talking Diamonds (2nd Edition), please click on the preferred store below:


DMQ Review’s Virtual Salon Features Bone Country for October, 2023

Linda’s most recent book of prose poetry, Bone Country, was selected to be featured on the DMQ’s Virtual Salon for the month of October, 2023. It includes a seven-minute video of Linda reading a selection from the book. This program also features new books by poets Annis Cassells and Brittney Corrigan.

Click the button to access the Virtual Salon:

For more information, contact editor Sally Ashton at [email protected]