Bone Country Named “A Most Read Review” on North of Oxford Website
For the second time this year, a book review of Bone Country is one of the most read reviews on the website North of Oxford, an online literary magazine from Philadelphia.
Click on the box below to read this popular review of the acclaimed book.
DMQ Review’s Virtual Salon Features Bone Country for October, 2023
Linda’s most recent book of prose poetry, Bone Country, was selected to be featured on the DMQ’s Virtual Salon for the month of October, 2023. It includes a seven-minute video of Linda reading a selection from the book. This program also features new books by poets Annis Cassells and Brittney Corrigan.
Click the button to access the Virtual Salon:
For more information, contact editor Sally Ashton at [email protected]
Linda Nemec Foster Interviewed on New Books Network
Linda was interviewed for this national series by poet and editor Megan Wildhood. Their discussion focused on Linda’s poetry and publications, specifically her new book, Bone Country.
Click on the link below to access the interview.
Bone Country Reviewed in MacQueen’s Quinterly
A book review of Bone Country appeared on the Facebook page of the online journal, MacQueen’s Quinterly.
Click here or the link below to read the review:
Bone Country Reviewed in the San Francisco Journal of Arts and Letters, ZYZZYVA
A book review of Bone Country was recently published in ZYZZYVA, a San Francisco journal of arts and letters. The journal has been a cultural beacon for the West Coast and beyond since 1985.
Cornerstone Press Book Launch Event Featuring Linda Nemec Foster and Heather Bourbeau
Cornerstone Press, the publisher of Bone Country, hosted a Zoom book launch featuring Linda Nemec Foster (author of Bone Country) and Heather Bourbeau.
The Zoom book launch event highlights the Press and two of their newly published poets and was recorded on April 27th, 2023.
Watch the full video of the book launch event below:
Bone Country Named a Top 10 Most Read Poetry Book in North of Oxford’s National Poetry Month April Edition
Linda’s new book, Bone Country, is one of the top ten most read poetry book reviews at North of Oxford for April, National Poetry Month.
To read the review, click the link below:
Bone Country is reviewed in North of Oxford
Bone Country is reviewed in North of Oxford, an online literary journal based in Philadelphia.
Click here to visit the North of Oxford website to read the review.
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