Entries by Administrator

Linda Nemec Foster interviewed by Shelley Irwin

Linda was interviewed by Shelley Irwin for her radio show, The Morning Show, on WGVU-FM (part of the Michigan Public Radio network). The subject of the interview was Linda’s award-winning piece of flash fiction, “On the Other Side of the World,” and her invitation to read her work at the West Cork Literary Festival in […]

Linda Nemec Foster Prose Poems Accepted for Publication by MSU Libraries’ Short Editions

Linda Nemec Foster’s two prose poems were accepted for publication by MSU Libraries’ Short Editions. In addition, these pieces, “Abandoned House in the Tatra Mountain” and “House of Strong Light–El Escorial”, were selected to be considered for inclusion in MSU’s Filmetry: A Festival of Poetry and Film in 2022. For more information, contact Cindy Hunter […]