Linda Nemec Foster Teaches in Poland
The following photos were taken during Linda’s classroom discussions, lectures, and meetings at the Academy of Technology and Humanities in Bielsko-Biala, Poland during the month of October, 2019.

Linda teaches a class on translations and literary interpretations for an English language seminar (which includes Polish students and Spanish exchange students).

Linda (far right) conducts her all-college lecture for students, faculty, and staff. Dr. Tony Foster sits behind the podium/table directing a PowerPoint program that highlights Linda’s specific poems (e.g. “The Old Neighborhood” which describes the Cuyahoga River Fire of 1969—shown).

Linda and her husband, Tony, meet administrators and faculty. Shown here (l-r):
Dr. Andrzej Harleck (Vice Rector of the University), Linda, Dr. Tomasz Markiewka (English Department Professor), Professor Maria Korusiewicz (Head of the English Department), and Dr. Tony Foster.