Year | Honor | Prize | Description |
2024 | Distinguished Favorite | NYC Big Book Award for Poetry | Linda’s book of prose poems, Bone Country, was honored in this prestigious award competition. |
2023 | Nominee | Pulitzer Prize
National Book Award
Kingsley Tufts Award
Anisfield Wolf Book Award
Paterson Poetry Prize
Balcones Prize for Poetry
Housatonic Book Award
Next Generation Indie Book Award
National Indie Excellence Award
IPPY Award
NYC Big Book Award
Michigan Notable Book
Ohioana Book Award for Poetry
Society of Midland Authors Book Award
Foreword Indies Book Award
Eric Hoffer Book Award
Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize
W.C. Williams Award from the Poetry Society of America
Griffin Poetry Prize
PEN Voekler Poetry Award | Book award nominations for Bone Country. |
2023 | Award Selection | Best Spiritual Literature 2023 | Linda’s prose poem, “The Cloud Sleeps on the Mountain,” was selected to be included in this prestigious anthology which features the best spiritual writing published throughout the country. Only 17 authors were honored by the editors, including such poets as T.R. Hummer and Robert Wrigley. The anthology will be published by Orison Books in December, 2023. |
2022 | Juried Selection | Filmetry: A Festival of Poetry and Film | Linda’s prose poem, “Abandoned House in the Tatra Mountains,” was adapted for film. It was selected to be featured at Filmetry, a film festival sponsored by Michigan State University.
2022 | Honorable Mention | Allen Ginsberg Poetry Contest | “The Passenger Next to Me on the Flight from Krakow to Chicago Who Looks Like My Mother” was selected by the editors of the Paterson Literary Review for this national honor.
2022 | Semi-Finalist | Tomaz Salamun Prize | Linda’s chapbook manuscript, Fragments from Bone Country, was honored in this international competition sponsored by Verse Magazine. |
2022 | Award Selection | Best Small Fictions 2022 | Linda’s piece, “The Irish Guest at the Wedding in Krakow,” was selected to be included in this award-winning anthology. Several thousand pieces were submitted by editors from around the world and only 120 pieces of small fiction were chosen. The anthology will be published in the fall of 2022 by Sonder Press.
2022 | Second Prize | Fish Anthology’s Flash Fiction Prize | Linda’s piece, “On the Other Side of the World,” was awarded second prize in this international competition sponsored by the Fish Anthology in Ireland. Acclaimed New Zealand writer Tracey Slaughter selected Linda’s work for the honor from 948 entries. The award carries a cash prize and Linda has been invited to give a reading at the West Cork Literary Festival in July, 2022.
2021 | Finalist | Off the Grid Poetry Prize | Linda’s manuscript of prose poems, Bone Country, was selected as one of three top finalists (from over 450 submissions) in this national competition sponsored by Off the Grid Books. |
2021 | Nominee | Best Small Fictions | Linda’s prose poem, “The Irish Guest at the Wedding in Krakow,” was nominated for Best Small Fictions, 2022 by Clare MacQueen, editor of MacQueen’s Quinterly. The annual anthology honors the best short fictions published in literary journals and magazines throughout the year.
2020 | Finalist | River Styx Microfiction Contest | Linda’s piece, “Gallery of the Street” was selected as a finalist (from approximately 375 entries) for this recognition by the editors of River Styx.
2019 | Honorable Mention | New Millennium Writings Flash Fiction Award | Linda’s piece, “Babel,” was selected by the journal’s editors for this international recognition.
2019 | Nominee | Best Microfiction | Linda’s piece of microfiction, “Scattering the Ashes on Lake Geneva,” was nominated by Clare McQueen, editor of KYSO Flash, for this second annual anthology which honors the best microfiction published in literary journals and magazines throughout the year.
2018 | Nominee | Best Microfiction | Linda’s piece of microfiction, “Conjuring Her Face,” was nominated by Clare McQueen, editor of KYSO Flash, for this debut anthology which honors the best microfiction published in literary journals and magazines throughout the year.
Poetry Reading in Green Bay, Wisconsin
/in /by AdministratorLinda will be reading from her most recent book, Bone Country, and also discuss two other poetry collections: The Blue Divide and The Lake Michigan Mermaid. This event is hosted by Lion’s Mouth Bookstore, one of the region’s most popular independent bookstores. Lion’s Mouth Bookstore 211 N Washington Street Green Bay WI, 54301 For more […]
Linda Nemec Foster Interviewed on New Books Network
/in News /by AdministratorLinda was interviewed for this national series by poet and editor Megan Wildhood. Their discussion focused on Linda’s poetry and publications, specifically her new book, Bone Country.
Bone Country Reviewed in MacQueen’s Quinterly
/in News /by AdministratorA book review of Bone Country appeared on the Facebook page of the online journal, MacQueen’s Quinterly.
Michigan State University Reading
/in /by AdministratorLinda will be a featured speaker at the annual conference for the Society for the Study of Midwestern Literature. The conference will take place on MSU’s campus at the Kellogg Conference Center from June 1-3. 2023. Linda will read from her new book, Bone Country, and other more recent poems. For more information, contact Jeffrey […]
Bone Country Reviewed in the San Francisco Journal of Arts and Letters, ZYZZYVA
/in Uncategorized /by AdministratorA book review of Bone Country was recently published in ZYZZYVA, a San Francisco journal of arts and letters.
Cornerstone Press Book Launch Event Featuring Linda Nemec Foster and Heather Bourbeau
/in News /by AdministratorCornerstone Press, the publisher of Bone Country, hosted a Zoom book launch featuring Linda Nemec Foster (author of Bone Country) and Heather Bourbeau.
Cornerstone Press Book Launch on Zoom
/in /by AdministratorCornerstone Press, the publisher of Bone Country, will host a Zoom book launch featuring Linda Nemec Foster and Heather Bourbeau. The program highlights the Press and two of their newly published poets. Watch the full video of the book launch event below: Additional Event Information To join this Zoom program, click on the link below. […]
Royal Oak, MI reading for Bone Country
/in /by AdministratorThe Royal Oak Public Library will host a reading by Linda for her new book, Bone Country. She will be joined by her friend and colleague Mary Jo Firth Gillett. A book signing and reception will follow the presentation. Royal Oak Public Library 222 E. Eleven Mile Road Royal Oak, MI For more information, please […]
Grand Rapids Book Launch for Bone Country
/in /by AdministratorThe Grand Rapids book launch for Bone Country will be hosted by Schuler Books on April 20, 2023 at 6:30 pm. This will be an in-person event with a reading, Q&A session, book signing, and reception. Schuler Books 2660 28th St. SE Grand Rapids, MI 49512 For more information, please click here to visit the […]
Bone Country Named a Top 10 Most Read Poetry Book in North of Oxford’s National Poetry Month April Edition
/in Uncategorized /by AdministratorLinda’s new book, Bone Country, is one of the top ten most read poetry book reviews at North of Oxford for April, National Poetry Month.