Linda has been selected to participate in creative writing workshops in Poland during the summer of 2023. She is one of seven poets and writers from the U.S. who have been invited to spend several weeks in June and July interacting with American, Polish, and Ukrainian colleagues. She is grateful to participate in this creative […] 08:29:272023-09-18 13:59:18Linda Nemec Foster Selected to Participate in a 2023 Creative Writing Workshop in Poland 08:00:202023-05-18 07:59:07Bone Country Reviewed in the San Francisco Journal of Arts and Letters, ZYZZYVA
Cornerstone Press, the publisher of Bone Country, hosted a Zoom book launch featuring Linda Nemec Foster (author of Bone Country) and Heather Bourbeau. 09:00:002023-05-11 12:02:50Cornerstone Press Book Launch Event Featuring Linda Nemec Foster and Heather Bourbeau
Linda’s poem, “On the First Anniversary of His Death, I Dream of My Father,” was selected to be included in the South Lyon Poetry Project. This community-wide project places ten poems on posters (written by ten Michigan poets) throughout the downtown area in celebration of National Poetry Month. 09:00:512023-05-11 12:01:34Linda's Poem, "On the First Anniversary of His Death, I Dream of My Father," to be Included in the South Lyon Poetry Project 09:00:282023-05-11 12:01:10Bone Country Named a Top 10 Most Read Poetry Book in North of Oxford's National Poetry Month April Edition 10:00:532023-05-11 12:04:42Bone Country is reviewed in North of Oxford 08:00:102024-01-18 07:59:29The First Major Book Launch For Bone Country
Linda Nemec Foster is interviewed by Jeff Milo for his podcast, “A Little Too Quiet” (sponsored by the Ferndale Public Library) in Ferndale, Michigan. In this interview, Linda discusses her new book, Bone Country, and the inspiration for this collection of prose poems: her first full-length book of prose poems/flash fiction. To listen to the […] 11:00:022023-03-17 11:09:27Linda Nemec Foster is interviewed by Jeff Milo for his podcast, "A Little Too Quiet"
Linda was interviewed by acclaimed poet and writer Diane DeCillis for the Cervena Barva Press‘ YouTube series, Behind the Book. This series, by invitation only, highlights recent books. In this program, Linda and Diane discuss her new book, The Blue Divide. 10:00:302023-01-30 09:18:35Linda Nemec Foster is interviewed for Cervena Barva Press’ YouTube series, Behind the Book
Linda was interviewed by Shelley Irwin for her radio show, The Morning Show, on WGVU-FM (part of the Michigan Public Radio network). The subject of the interview was Linda’s award-winning piece of flash fiction, “On the Other Side of the World,” and her invitation to read her work at the West Cork Literary Festival in […]
Linda Nemec Foster Selected to Participate in a 2023 Creative Writing Workshop in Poland
/in News /by AdministratorLinda has been selected to participate in creative writing workshops in Poland during the summer of 2023. She is one of seven poets and writers from the U.S. who have been invited to spend several weeks in June and July interacting with American, Polish, and Ukrainian colleagues. She is grateful to participate in this creative […]
Bone Country Reviewed in the San Francisco Journal of Arts and Letters, ZYZZYVA
/in Uncategorized /by AdministratorA book review of Bone Country was recently published in ZYZZYVA, a San Francisco journal of arts and letters.
Cornerstone Press Book Launch Event Featuring Linda Nemec Foster and Heather Bourbeau
/in News /by AdministratorCornerstone Press, the publisher of Bone Country, hosted a Zoom book launch featuring Linda Nemec Foster (author of Bone Country) and Heather Bourbeau.
Linda’s Poem, “On the First Anniversary of His Death, I Dream of My Father,” to be Included in the South Lyon Poetry Project
/in News /by AdministratorLinda’s poem, “On the First Anniversary of His Death, I Dream of My Father,” was selected to be included in the South Lyon Poetry Project. This community-wide project places ten poems on posters (written by ten Michigan poets) throughout the downtown area in celebration of National Poetry Month.
Bone Country Named a Top 10 Most Read Poetry Book in North of Oxford’s National Poetry Month April Edition
/in Uncategorized /by AdministratorLinda’s new book, Bone Country, is one of the top ten most read poetry book reviews at North of Oxford for April, National Poetry Month.
Bone Country is reviewed in North of Oxford
/in Uncategorized /by AdministratorBone Country is reviewed in North of Oxford, an online literary journal based in Philadelphia.
The First Major Book Launch For Bone Country
/in News /by AdministratorThe first major book launch for Bone Country will take place in Ann Arbor at Literati Bookstore on March 29, 2023 at 6:30 pm.
Linda Nemec Foster is interviewed by Jeff Milo for his podcast, “A Little Too Quiet”
/in News /by AdministratorLinda Nemec Foster is interviewed by Jeff Milo for his podcast, “A Little Too Quiet” (sponsored by the Ferndale Public Library) in Ferndale, Michigan. In this interview, Linda discusses her new book, Bone Country, and the inspiration for this collection of prose poems: her first full-length book of prose poems/flash fiction. To listen to the […]
Linda Nemec Foster is interviewed for Cervena Barva Press’ YouTube series, Behind the Book
/in News, The Blue Divide /by AdministratorLinda was interviewed by acclaimed poet and writer Diane DeCillis for the Cervena Barva Press‘ YouTube series, Behind the Book. This series, by invitation only, highlights recent books. In this program, Linda and Diane discuss her new book, The Blue Divide.
Linda Nemec Foster interviewed by Shelley Irwin
/in News /by AdministratorLinda was interviewed by Shelley Irwin for her radio show, The Morning Show, on WGVU-FM (part of the Michigan Public Radio network). The subject of the interview was Linda’s award-winning piece of flash fiction, “On the Other Side of the World,” and her invitation to read her work at the West Cork Literary Festival in […]